VAX Scale

Below is the original (English) VAX scale, as well as translations in Hebrew, Romanian, Turkish, Telugu, traditional Chinese, Italian, Polish, Spanish, Urdu, Croatian, Greek, Swedish, French, German, Slovak, Persian (Farsi), Korean, Georgian, and Brazilian Portuguese. Additional translations in Arabic, Lithuanian, Hindi, and Punjabi will be coming soon...

Original (English) VAX

This is the original VAX scale (Martin & Petrie, 2017). The scale is below, as well as the original article outlining the creation and validation of the scale.

Turkish VAX

This translation was done by Prof. Esra YILDIZ, Ataturk University Health Science Fac., Public Health Nursing Dept., Erzurum - Turkey

There is also a published article establishing the factor structure, reliability, and validity for the Turkish VAX.

Hebrew VAX

This translation was done by Dr. Maayan Shacham D.M.D, Dr. Lee Greenblatt Kimron Ph.D, Dr. Anna Shacham M.D., Prof. Menachem Ben-Ezra, Ph.D, Prof. Eitan Mijiritsky, D.M.D, & Prof. Yaira Hamama-Raz.

There is also a published article that describes the validation of the Hebrew VAX, and the COVID-19 modification of the measure.

Romanian VAX

This translation was done by Gheorghe Huza at Department of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iași, Romania.

There is also a published article describing the psychometric properties of the Romanian VAX.

Telugu VAX

This translation was done by Raj Kiran D and Abdul Salaam Md, Dept. of Psychiatry, Konaseema Institute of Medical Sciences, Amalapauram, India.

An article utilizing this translation is also available.

Italian VAX

The first translation (VAX-I) was done by Francesco Bruno, PhD, Regional Neurogenetic Centre (CRN) - ASPCZ, Lamezia Terme (CZ), Italy; and Rocco Servidio, PhD, Department of Cultures, Education and Society, University of Calabria, Arcavata di Rende (CS), Italy. An article with psychometric evaluation and validation of the VAX-I is also available.

The second translation (not yet validated) was done by Mario Miniati, M.D., PhD, National Qualification as Associate Professor in Psychiatry,Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine,University of Pisa, Italy.

Chinese VAX (COVID-19 Modification)

This traditional Chinese translation (and modification for COVID-19) was done by Dian-Jeng Li, M.D., Attending Physician, Kaohsiung Municipal Kai-Syuan Psychiatric Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Polish VAX

This translation was done by Dr. Judyta Borchet, Magdalena Iwanowska (Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Gdańsk), Dr. Katarzyna Bałandynowicz-Panfil (Department of Sustainable Market Processes, Faculty of Economics, University of Gdańsk), and Prof. Małgorzata Łosiewicz (Institute of Media, Journalism, & Social Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Gdańsk).

Spanish VAX

This translation was done by Uriel Lejtman and Bryana McNamara, Department of Psychology, La Sierra University, Riverside CA, USA.

Urdu VAX

This translation was done by Dr Atta Abbas Naqvi (Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Dammam, Saudi Arabia), Dr Muhammad Tariq Aftab (Islam Medical College, Sialkot, Pakistan), and Dr Mehwish Rizvi (Dow College of Pharmacy, Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan).

Croatian VAX

This translation was done by Sanela Hrg, Bacc. Med. Tech., Zagreb, Croatia. 

Greek VAX

This translation was done by Georgia Sideri, pharmacist & postgraduate student of Management of Aging and Chronic Diseases, Hellenic Open University.

Swedish VAX

This translation was done by  Cia Fristedt & Lovisa Eriksson, University of Kristianstad (Högskolan Kristianstad) , Faculty of Health Sciences

French VAX

This translation was done by Margot Eisenblaetter & Clarisse Madiouni (Univ Paul Valéry Montpellier); Yasmine Laraki (Univ Paul Valéry Montpellier & University Department of Adult Psychiatry, CHU Montpellier); Delphine Capdevielle (Univ Department of Adult Psychiatry, CHU Montpellier & Inserm, Neuropsychiatry: Epidemiological and Clinical Research, Univ Montpellier); & Stéphane Raffard (Univ Paul Valéry Montpellier & University Department of Adult Psychiatry, CHU Montpellier). 

German VAX

This translation (including COVID-19 modification) was done by Prof. Katja Petrowski and Dr. Sabine Fischbeck, University Mainz, Germany (UNIVERSITÄTSMEDIZIN der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Main)

Slovak VAX

This translation was done by Martin Novák, PhD., Romana Ulbrichtová, PhD., Peter Vyšehradský, M.D. and Prof. Viera Švihrová PhD., Department of Public Health, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin, Comenius Univesity in Bratislava, Slovakia

Persian (Farsi) VAX

This translation was done by Seyedreza Mirsoleymani, Nursing Ph.D. student, Department of Community Health Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Iran University of Medical Science, Tehran, Iran.

Korean VAX

This translation was done by Jieun Kim, Kilhye Han, and Sophia J. Chung (Chung-Ang University College of Nursing; Seoul, South Korea); and Chaehee Kim (Chung-Ang University Graduate School Department of Nursing; Seoul, South Korea).

There is also a published article confirming the factor structure, reliability, and validity of the Korean VAX.

Georgian VAX

This translation was done by Prof. Tinatin Chkheidze, Georgian Institute of Public Affairs.

Brazilian Portuguese VAX

This translation was done by Thales Vianna Coutinho, Mariana Rodrigues Gonçalves Dias, Thiago Perez Bernardes de Moraes, and Natália Martins Dias (Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil).

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